The Two Basic Elements of Consideration Are Intention and Agreement

As a copy editor experienced in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), I have come to understand the importance of crafting content that not only meets the needs of the audience but also appeases search engines. At the core of effective SEO lies the concept of user experience and creating content that meets the needs of searchers. One of the fundamental principles of user experience is understanding the user`s intent and crafting content that aligns with it.

At the heart of user intent are two basic elements of consideration: intention and agreement. These two elements are crucial in crafting content that meets the user`s needs and helps your website rank higher on search engines.


The term intention refers to what the user is looking for when they type a query into a search engine. Understanding the user`s intent is critical in creating content that meets their needs. There are three basic types of user intent: informational, navigational, and transactional.

Informational intent refers to users who are seeking information about a particular subject. Such users are not looking to buy anything but rather to get more information or learn something new. Navigational intent applies to users who are searching for a specific website or page. These users already know what they are looking for and are trying to find it quickly. Finally, transactional intent refers to users who are ready to take action such as purchase a product or sign up for a service.


Once you have determined the user`s intention, the next step is to craft content that aligns with it. This is where agreement comes in. Agreement refers to how well your content meets the user`s needs and expectations. Your content must provide value to the user and satisfy their intent.

To ensure that your content matches the user`s intent, you need to consider certain factors. These include the user`s search query, their language, and the content`s format. By paying attention to these factors, you can create content that satisfies the user`s intent and provides value to them.


In conclusion, understanding the two basic elements of consideration: intention and agreement is critical in crafting content that meets the user`s needs and aligns with their search intent. By understanding these elements, you can create content that provides value to the user, meets their needs, and helps your website rank higher on search engines. As a professional, I advise that you always keep these two elements in mind when creating content for SEO purposes.