Agreement of Deputation

Agreement of Deputation: Understanding the Legal Basics

In today`s complex business world, companies often rely on deputation agreements to ensure the smooth functioning of their operations. A deputation agreement is a legal contract that allows a company to temporarily transfer an employee to another organization or subsidiary.

In this article, we will explore the essential aspects of an agreement of deputation and how it works.

What is an Agreement of Deputation?

An agreement of deputation is a legal contract between two companies that allows an employee of one company to work temporarily for another company. The employee remains an employee of the first company, but they perform duties for the second company as a deputed employee.

The agreement between the two companies outlines the terms and conditions of the deputation. It includes details such as the duration of the deputation, the job role of the employee, the compensation package, and the responsibilities of both parties.

How Does it Work?

When a company needs an employee to work at another location or subsidiary, they can either hire a new employee or depute an existing employee. Deputing an employee is often a more cost-effective option, as it eliminates the need to hire and train new staff.

The company drafts an agreement of deputation, which the employee signs after understanding its terms and conditions. The employee then reports to the location of the subsidiary company and performs their duties as a deputed employee.

During the deputation period, the employee continues to receive their salary and benefits from the first company. The subsidiary company pays a fee to the first company for the services of the deputed employee.

Benefits of Deputation Agreements

Deputation agreements offer significant benefits to both companies and employees. Some of the benefits include:

1. Cost-Effective: Deputing an employee is often more cost-effective than hiring a new employee, as it eliminates training and recruitment costs.

2. Skill Enhancement: Deputing an employee to another company or subsidiary provides them with an opportunity to learn new skills and gain exposure to different work environments.

3. Flexibility: Deputation agreements offer companies more flexibility to manage their workforce based on their business needs.

4. Retention: Deputing an employee can help retain valuable employees who may otherwise be tempted to leave the company.


An agreement of deputation is an essential aspect of modern businesses. It allows companies to transfer their employees to other locations or subsidiaries, enabling them to maintain a flexible and cost-effective workforce.

If you are looking to draft an agreement of deputation, it is crucial to consult with a legal expert to ensure that it meets all the necessary legal and regulatory requirements. With a well-drafted agreement of deputation, you can enhance your business operations and retain your valuable employees.